The Mobile School of Self-Discovery
"Live Outside the Box"
In 2015, DiANNA DAVID founded “School of MOVES” when she realized how important it was for the youth to experience motivated Artists living their passions out in the world.
With her 14 years of touring experience, she grew a team of individuals who creatively teach youth that the best school is learning about Yourself! Thus creating a mobile school of Self-Discovery!
Being a solo-performing artist for the majority of her career, she desired to collaborate with unique artist who wanted to share their stories and their skills.
This is when she formed “The Faculty of Freshness”: where each artistic facilitator is trained to bring forth their ‘fresh perspective’ of what really matters to them and how they choose to make moves in the world for the higher good.
Since life is a stage, DiANNA and the Faculty share helpful tips from their real-life experiences and passions on how to master the art of self-discovery. They do this through understanding our senses and feelings, our thoughts and words, as well as our creativity and passions to develop strong, confident selves.
The School of MOVES Squad is not only passionate of remaining "Conscious Creative Kids" themselves, always learning and growing, but it is their mission to find all the "Conscious Creative Kids" out there that will help make our world a splendid place to live in!
3-5 Days in School
45mins-1.5hrs per Session
Up to 5 sessions per Day
Customized to suit your school & age group Kindergarden - Grade 12
1-Day Workshops
45mins-1.5hrs per
Customized to suit your school & age group Kindergarten - Grade 12, Adult, Seniors
High School Dances
Event Hosts
Special Artist Requests
Animal Visits in Classrooms